How to Add Google Tag Manager to Squarespace

One of the challenges I had when first working with Squarespace was adding Google Tag Manager to my website. Unlike CMSs like WordPress that rely on simple plugins, Squarespace requires a unique approach with code snippets.

I faced this challenge firsthand, so you don’t have to! In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process, saving you time and ensuring a smooth installation of Google Tag Manager on your Squarespace website in less than 20 minutes. Don't miss out on the insights and optimizations waiting for you – let's get started!

💡Prefer video tutorials? Watch my GTM + Squarespace video below.

Steps to Adding GTM to Squarespace

Set Up Your Google Tag Manager Account (skip if you already have a GTM account) 

Add Your Google Tag Manager JavaScript Snippets to Squarespace 

Validate and Publish the Google Tag Manager Snippets 

First, set up your Google Tag Manager account. 

Step 1: Sign into the Google Tag Manager site 


 Step 2: Create Account 


 Step 3: Set Up Account and Container 

Set up Google Tag Manger account and container3.png
Set up Google Tag Manger account and container4.png

Step 4: Accept Google Tag Manager’s Terms of Service Agreement 

Accept Google Tag Manager Terms and Conditions.png

Step 5: Get Google Tag Manager JavaScript Snippets that you'll need to add to our Squarespace site


To add GTM to your Squarespace site, you will need to have the Business or Commerce plan. In a future blog, I’ll give instructions on how to add Google Analytics to your site if you don’t have the Personal plan. 

Step 1: Go to Settings>Advanced> Code Injection in Squarespace 

Add Google Tag Manager Snippet to Squarespace.gif

 Step 2: Paste the GTM head snippet into the header field in Squarespace 

Add Google Tag Manager Snippet to Squarespace Header.png

Step 3: Paste the GTM body snippet into the footer field in Squarespace and click save 


Now that we've added our Google tag manager snippets to the site, let's validate that it's working as expected using GTM’s built-in debugger. 

Step 1: Click on Preview in Google Tag Manager  

Google Tag Manger Preview.png

Step 2:  Refresh Squarespace site and Validate that the correct GTM snippet was installed on the site  


Step 3: Click the Submit button at the top right corner of the screen 

Google Tag Manger Submit.png

Step 4: Add a Detailed Version Name and Description and Publish! 

Google Tag Manger Publish.png

Unlock the power of advanced tracking with GTM. Book a discovery call for a personalized Google Tag Manager implementation.

Check out my video if you’d like to see this in action. 


Google Ads Management & Analytics for Bishop Arts Theatre Center


Install Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager